Women’s irrational beliefs (IBs) about traditional gender roles have received considerable scholarly attention in several countries. However, any research has been done in Spain using an instrument specifically designed within the REBT framework such as the O’Kelly Women’s Beliefs Scale (OWBS). This study evaluated the presence of gender IBs in Spanish women and the existence of differential profiles according to age, educational level and social status (partner relationship and living with extended family). The participants were 1,075 women aged between 18 and 83 years (M= 34.18, SD= 14.72) completed the questionnaire. The results showed a greater adherence to rational items. After exploring the relationship between the participants’ socio-demographic variables and IBs, we found that IBs increased with age. Conversely, IBs were less frequent in better educated women, as well as in those without a stable relationship and those living with their parents. The multivariate analyses revealed that age and educational level were the most robust predictors of IB intensity.