The main aim of this study was to validate the SIBID to Spanish population. The scale consisted of 48 items assessing the frequency of dysphoric body image emotions depending on situational events, in a 5-point rating scale. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 282 participants (215 women and 67 men) aged 14 to 29, from primary and secondary schools and universities. Principal component analysis produced one factor which accounted for 47.30% of variance (global sample), and 45.93% (women). Internal consistency was high, both for women and men (0,97), and the test-retest (one month) was higher in women (0.89) than in men (0.51). The SIBID showed a good concurrent and discriminant validities (in function of several grouping criteria in general population). Moreover, the SIBID was able to differentiate between general population without risk, subclinical population, and eating disordered patients (N= 30). Results support the reliability and validity of the SIBID in Spanish population. Its utility in the assessment of body image in the eating disorders has also been demonstrated.